MintedDAO is a cross chain Alpha Group focusing on Solana & Ethereum. With an expert team on both blockchains & upcoming emerging blockchains, we prioritize making money for our users inside the discord! We have a full staff team ready to help and answer questions if needed, we aren't your average Alpha DAO as we plan on providing TONS of value before our eventual release of our DAO to the public. Our Alpha DAO has been out for 8 months with a different name prior ("Minted") and we have decided to Rebrand and branch out to having our NFT on Solana rather than the Ethereum Network.
MintedDAO is a cross chain Alpha Group focusing on Solana & Ethereum. With an expert team on both blockchains & upcoming emerging blockchains, we prioritize making money for our users inside the discord! We have a full staff team ready to help and answer questions if needed, we aren't your average Alpha DAO as we plan on providing TONS of value before our eventual release of our DAO to the public. Our Alpha DAO has been out for 8 months with a different name prior ("Minted") and we have decided to Rebrand and branch out to having our NFT on Solana rather than the Ethereum Network.
Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. Did we miss something? DM us on Twitter to ask anything else.