Evolution begins here...
Genesis is a science fiction graphic novel set in a dystopian near future that follows famed scientist Lucas Zhang, and his discovery of a revolutionary technology that changes the world - neurolink. With this new ability to transfer human consciousness into advanced machines, Lucas unintentionally creates an arms race among several evil corporations. As the Oppenheimer of his time, Lucas makes it his mission to ensure that his tech does not fall in the wrong hands even if that means using it on himself.
This project brought to you by the team that worked on: Marvel, Disney, Nickelodeon, Wizards of the Coast, Warner Bros, and Netflix.
And creators that worked on: Avengers, Batman, <redacted>, <redacted>, <redacted>, <redacted>, <redacted>, <redacted>, <redacted>, <redacted>, and others.
Evolution begins here...
Genesis is a science fiction graphic novel set in a dystopian near future that follows famed scientist Lucas Zhang, and his discovery of a revolutionary technology that changes the world - neurolink. With this new ability to transfer human consciousness into advanced machines, Lucas unintentionally creates an arms race among several evil corporations. As the Oppenheimer of his time, Lucas makes it his mission to ensure that his tech does not fall in the wrong hands even if that means using it on himself.
This project brought to you by the team that worked on: Marvel, Disney, Nickelodeon, Wizards of the Coast, Warner Bros, and Netflix.
And creators that worked on: Avengers, Batman, <redacted>, <redacted>, <redacted>, <redacted>, <redacted>, <redacted>, <redacted>, <redacted>, and others.
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