Price: Whitelist (0.0055 ETH ) - VIP List (Free Mint)
Supply: 5555
Discord: No
Team: By members CloneX, CyberKongz, Chimpers and many more from the jungle.
Artist: Hiding in the jungle
Holder Benefit's.
-Weekly raffles of valuable NFT's
-Highly polished artworks with an insane amount of details
-NFT Staking
Price: Whitelist (0.0055 ETH ) - VIP List (Free Mint)
Supply: 5555
Discord: No
Team: By members CloneX, CyberKongz, Chimpers and many more from the jungle.
Artist: Hiding in the jungle
Holder Benefit's.
-Weekly raffles of valuable NFT's
-Highly polished artworks with an insane amount of details
-NFT Staking
Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. Did we miss something? DM us on Twitter to ask anything else.