Bloodlines is the first ever 2k NFT collection with 200 years of rich lore. Bloodlines has been in development for 2+ years with the goal to allow holders to control their NFTs destiny and decide the story.
Created by Adel Barry and award winning MotionCapture Tech company Noitom. Art and Visual Effects by Jev Belyaev. A world renown artist known for working on blockbuster movies such as Aquaman, Pokémon: Detective Pikachu, Sonic the Hedgehog, John Wick, and many more. Official partners of ChainTech Labs, owners of Bapesclan, APIENS, and CubeX.
Want to learn more? Watch our full 18 minute presentation that breaks down the entire bloodlines universe:
Bloodlines is the first ever 2k NFT collection with 200 years of rich lore. Bloodlines has been in development for 2+ years with the goal to allow holders to control their NFTs destiny and decide the story.
Created by Adel Barry and award winning MotionCapture Tech company Noitom. Art and Visual Effects by Jev Belyaev. A world renown artist known for working on blockbuster movies such as Aquaman, Pokémon: Detective Pikachu, Sonic the Hedgehog, John Wick, and many more. Official partners of ChainTech Labs, owners of Bapesclan, APIENS, and CubeX.
Want to learn more? Watch our full 18 minute presentation that breaks down the entire bloodlines universe:
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