KIEYA: KIEYA is a collection of animated island spirits that are revived through the exchange of life. Employing generative artificial intelligence techniques, the collection tells an otherworldly science-fiction narrative extrapolating on a future techno-utopia.
About Wild: Wild is building the home for experiential art through an artist residency, a curated marketplace, and an immersive digital world. The best way to get involved with Wild is to collect an Oasis, a collection of 1,000 all-access passes to the creative ecosystem.
About Nygilia: Nygilia is an experimental artist who creates abstract art inspired by fantasy, gaming, and Afro-Caribbean worlds. Born in New York, she grew up playing basketball and video games. Inspired by experiences in game worlds like those of Final Fantasy and the Legend of Zelda, she developed a deep appreciation for the power of storytelling, cross-cultural understanding, and visual art from an early age.
Follow Nygilia: @nygi_xxv
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KIEYA: KIEYA is a collection of animated island spirits that are revived through the exchange of life. Employing generative artificial intelligence techniques, the collection tells an otherworldly science-fiction narrative extrapolating on a future techno-utopia.
About Wild: Wild is building the home for experiential art through an artist residency, a curated marketplace, and an immersive digital world. The best way to get involved with Wild is to collect an Oasis, a collection of 1,000 all-access passes to the creative ecosystem.
About Nygilia: Nygilia is an experimental artist who creates abstract art inspired by fantasy, gaming, and Afro-Caribbean worlds. Born in New York, she grew up playing basketball and video games. Inspired by experiences in game worlds like those of Final Fantasy and the Legend of Zelda, she developed a deep appreciation for the power of storytelling, cross-cultural understanding, and visual art from an early age.
Follow Nygilia: @nygi_xxv
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