In a world where conformity reigns supreme, the mad ones are often ridiculed and rejected by society. Like gems hidden in the dark, their brilliance has been overlooked and their capabilities underestimated by the normies for far too long...
For years, it has been rumored that the power and knowledge required to destroy societal norms lies within their minds. But the lack of acknowledgement and respect for their existence have forced the mad ones to spread apart and disguise themselves, hiding amongst society.
But soon, they will unite, they will rise, and the tables WILL TURN.
Mint Date: Q2 2023
Discord: TBA
More Mint info will be released soon.
40% of Supply has already been sold and pre-allocated to existing partnerships
MADZ has picked winners. Login to see if you're on the list!
In a world where conformity reigns supreme, the mad ones are often ridiculed and rejected by society. Like gems hidden in the dark, their brilliance has been overlooked and their capabilities underestimated by the normies for far too long...
For years, it has been rumored that the power and knowledge required to destroy societal norms lies within their minds. But the lack of acknowledgement and respect for their existence have forced the mad ones to spread apart and disguise themselves, hiding amongst society.
But soon, they will unite, they will rise, and the tables WILL TURN.
Mint Date: Q2 2023
Discord: TBA
More Mint info will be released soon.
40% of Supply has already been sold and pre-allocated to existing partnerships
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