About MINDFLY MPassport
We are passionate on Web3 culture, all founders of MINDFLY are BAYC and other blue chip NFT holders, we are religious on decentralized and fair autonomy, we believe in the future of web3 and NFT.
We are the MINDFLYER, exploring the metaverse and real world. We are inspired by a simple yet vision - put forward a most helpful decentralized community for creators and collectors, let all enthusiasts build and get what they want in the real world and Metaverse.The genesis platinum card is only limited to 3,500 and would represent your level of participation and privilege in the community, with benefits from early NFT release to exclusive events, endless token, NFT airdrop and staking benefit, through web3 and real life.
It provides holders with exclusive voting powers, rights, privileges and charity participation in Art+Sport Dao.
Mpassport holder, what privileges will you get
After you hold a Mpassport, you can check-in and you will stay in our Mindfly Mindverse which can explore more treasury in the upcoming utility.
Award for citizenship in Mindverse
What are Mindfly Boxes?
This round treasury has three types of Mindfly Boxes. It contains a number of $asd Token inside those boxes.
Uncommon Box
Rare Box
Legendary Box
What's $asd Token?
Click here and find out more in link: https://medium.com/@artsportdao/tokenomics-43f2eeddc00a
Rule of airdrop $asd Token
Click here and find out more in link: https://medium.com/@artsportdao/airdrop-for-asd-token-bf6625097114
Find out more on Mpassport:
Click here and find out more in link: https://medium.com/@mindflyarts/mindfly-mpassport-40f3687e253b
Launch Information:
Supply of Mpassport: 2,000
Allowlist: 1400
Allowlist Mint Datetime: 18 March 2023 07:00 UTC
Allowlist Mint Price: 0.03ETH
Public: 500
Public Mint: 19 March 2023 07:00 UTC
Public Mint Price: 0.045ETH
Team reserve airdrop for contributor/marketing: 100
Official Links
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/mRv8bKdcHW
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mindfly_art
Website: https://mindfly.art/
artSportDao: https://artsportdao.xyz/
MINDFLY MPassport x AMC Community yacht has picked winners. Login to see if you're on the list!
About MINDFLY MPassport
We are passionate on Web3 culture, all founders of MINDFLY are BAYC and other blue chip NFT holders, we are religious on decentralized and fair autonomy, we believe in the future of web3 and NFT.
We are the MINDFLYER, exploring the metaverse and real world. We are inspired by a simple yet vision - put forward a most helpful decentralized community for creators and collectors, let all enthusiasts build and get what they want in the real world and Metaverse.The genesis platinum card is only limited to 3,500 and would represent your level of participation and privilege in the community, with benefits from early NFT release to exclusive events, endless token, NFT airdrop and staking benefit, through web3 and real life.
It provides holders with exclusive voting powers, rights, privileges and charity participation in Art+Sport Dao.
Mpassport holder, what privileges will you get
After you hold a Mpassport, you can check-in and you will stay in our Mindfly Mindverse which can explore more treasury in the upcoming utility.
Award for citizenship in Mindverse
What are Mindfly Boxes?
This round treasury has three types of Mindfly Boxes. It contains a number of $asd Token inside those boxes.
Uncommon Box
Rare Box
Legendary Box
What's $asd Token?
Click here and find out more in link: https://medium.com/@artsportdao/tokenomics-43f2eeddc00a
Rule of airdrop $asd Token
Click here and find out more in link: https://medium.com/@artsportdao/airdrop-for-asd-token-bf6625097114
Find out more on Mpassport:
Click here and find out more in link: https://medium.com/@mindflyarts/mindfly-mpassport-40f3687e253b
Launch Information:
Supply of Mpassport: 2,000
Allowlist: 1400
Allowlist Mint Datetime: 18 March 2023 07:00 UTC
Allowlist Mint Price: 0.03ETH
Public: 500
Public Mint: 19 March 2023 07:00 UTC
Public Mint Price: 0.045ETH
Team reserve airdrop for contributor/marketing: 100
Official Links
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/mRv8bKdcHW
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mindfly_art
Website: https://mindfly.art/
artSportDao: https://artsportdao.xyz/
Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. Did we miss something? DM us on Twitter to ask anything else.