Noctilucent Mementi - Sovrn holders list

Mint Date
Oct. 20, 2023
Mint Time
4 p.m. UTC
Mint Price
Total Supply
210 NFTs
Number of Winners
50 Spots
Raffle Time
Oct. 19, 2023, 8:15 a.m.
Official Link
Verified Twitter
This project will be overallocating. That means that if you win, you will NOT be guaranteed a spot. Please see the project description for more information.

Noctilucent Mementi is a generative chronicle that encapsulates 5 years of MLO's work with clouds in cryptoart. Each image is generated from the artist's photographic archive of clouds, spanning 4 continents and 11 countries. For MLO, clouds serve as a medium for speaking about the way that we transform and preserve intangible presences, both through personal memory and through digital wallets.

Over the last 5 years, MLO has come to be known as "the cloud artist." He began making cryptoart in July 2018 as a way to understand and educate others about what he saw as a transformative technology. His early works use geometric minimalism and artistic data visualization to investigate the potential meanings of blockchains and tokens. With the piece "Cloud Seed Phrase Visualization" (September 2018), he arrived at a mode of translating data into metaphor that has since become the spine of his practice. In his words, "I find the analogy to clouds particularly intriguing, as we store only the rights to assets in our digital wallets while the actual digital assets remain permanently on the blockchain; the digital assets therefore remain intangible much like clouds in the sky." 

Clouds also resonate with MLO on a personal level as someone whose life has been defined by movement and transition. MLO was born in Poland, raised in Germany, and emigrated to Canada, living in more than 30 different places through the years and traveling professionally with extreme frequency. Clouds for him are both an emblem of transience and a constant companion. In his art, the distributed nodes that constitute a blockchain become a symbol of hope, a living network maintained by shared belief, reflecting the continuity of an individual identity through the fragile impermanence of physical locations. 

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Noctilucent Mementi is a generative chronicle that encapsulates 5 years of MLO's work with clouds in cryptoart. Each image is generated from the artist's photographic archive of clouds, spanning 4 continents and 11 countries. For MLO, clouds serve as a medium for speaking about the way that we transform and preserve intangible presences, both through personal memory and through digital wallets.

Over the last 5 years, MLO has come to be known as "the cloud artist." He began making cryptoart in July 2018 as a way to understand and educate others about what he saw as a transformative technology. His early works use geometric minimalism and artistic data visualization to investigate the potential meanings of blockchains and tokens. With the piece "Cloud Seed Phrase Visualization" (September 2018), he arrived at a mode of translating data into metaphor that has since become the spine of his practice. In his words, "I find the analogy to clouds particularly intriguing, as we store only the rights to assets in our digital wallets while the actual digital assets remain permanently on the blockchain; the digital assets therefore remain intangible much like clouds in the sky." 

Clouds also resonate with MLO on a personal level as someone whose life has been defined by movement and transition. MLO was born in Poland, raised in Germany, and emigrated to Canada, living in more than 30 different places through the years and traveling professionally with extreme frequency. Clouds for him are both an emblem of transience and a constant companion. In his art, the distributed nodes that constitute a blockchain become a symbol of hope, a living network maintained by shared belief, reflecting the continuity of an individual identity through the fragile impermanence of physical locations. 

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Yes. ~50 million list registrations have happened on PREMINT without issue. When you sign in with PREMINT, you only are validating ownership of the wallet address. PREMINT does not get any permissions to perform transactions and does not have any way of withdrawing anything from your wallet.
Premint has been used by some of the top artists and collections in the NFT ecosystem, including XCOPY, Coldie, DeekayMotion, Cool Cats, Known Origin, Async Art, Shaq, and over 25,000 more.
Signing is the only way we can truly know that you are the owner of the wallet you are connecting. Signing is a safe, gas-less transaction that does not in any way give PREMINT permission to perform any transactions with your wallet.
PREMINT saves your wallet and social info as a part of the registration step, so you can disconnect everything afterwards and your entry is still valid.
As far as PREMINT is concerned, yes, but the project owner might check that you still own the token before finalizing the list.
If you fully registered, the only way your wallet wouldn’t be on the list of registered wallets is if the project removed it. PREMINT never deletes wallets from the list for any reason.
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While creators are welcome to name their PREMINT projects whatever they like, we choose to use the term "allow list" or "access list" vs "whitelist." "Whitelist" could be considered exclusionary language, and the spirit of web3 is about inclusion.