Serpenta Dragons Early Whitelist

Mint Date
Aug. 16, 2022
Mint Time
3 p.m. UTC
Mint Price
Total Supply
5,555 NFTs
Number of Winners
888 Spots
Official Link
Verified Twitter
Verified Discord

There are 3 phases - please check carefully to see which one you've won when the raffle closes:

Winners from this premint will be auto-included for mint, but you really should go to our discord before the 16th Mint date.


We have published an official page to confirm mint status Recruits who visit and fill out the survey get a mystery box.

Congrats to the white / wait listers - more raffles in discord!

Missed out on KaijuKingz? PGodjira? KaijuFrens? Now's your chance to get in on Kaijus early!
5555 Genesis Kaiju Dragons. Staking. Breeding. Waifus!? (not breeding waifus u degen)

I WILL BLESS MULTIPLE CULT MEMBERS. RANDOMLY. (but tell your frens. gogogo ❤️)

Instructions: 👇👇

  1. Join the Serpenta discord (this gives you verified)
  2. Say "Please Ser Miaoux bless me with a whitelist" in #general
  3. Share this giveaway with a friend. Simple. You're 80% there already.
  4. Click the Register button on the right to complete your entry
  5. If you win WHITELIST at the end, come and get the role in the Serpenta discord

Mint date: 16 AUGUST - 11AM EST. (15.00 UTC)

Secret additional task worth 0.0001 worthless points: follow @miaoux on twitter

Winners posted in the Serpenta #mini-announcements channel

  • Pixel Kaiju / Dragons that are CLEAN. Look at his poor derpy face!!!
  • Staking for $VOID that will lead into our ongoing ecosystem
  • Breeding (???) NFTs post-mint

The Great Void awaits. Come brave traveller. Join us.

- Dragon King Miaoux

--- 中文 ---


  1. 加入 Serpenta Discord
  2. 在#general 中說 “嗨,Miaoux ser please bless me with a random whitelist”
  3. 邀请您的朋友参加此赠品
  4. 轉發我們的推文

Mint date: 8月16日

得獎者將在 Serpenta 的 #mini-announcements 頻道公佈

  • 簡潔的像素Pixel Kaiju / Dragons 。 看他那張可憐兮兮的臉!!!
  • $VOID 質押將進入我們持續的生態系統
  • 培育 (???) NFTs post-mint


There are 3 phases - please check carefully to see which one you've won when the raffle closes:

These will be DTC (direct to contract) but come and get your WHITELIST role anyway! You'll get more rewards.

Check your mint status (tell your friends too):

Log in to see the results.

Serpenta Dragons Early Whitelist has picked winners. Login to see if you're on the list!

There are 3 phases - please check carefully to see which one you've won when the raffle closes:

Winners from this premint will be auto-included for mint, but you really should go to our discord before the 16th Mint date.


We have published an official page to confirm mint status Recruits who visit and fill out the survey get a mystery box.

Congrats to the white / wait listers - more raffles in discord!

Missed out on KaijuKingz? PGodjira? KaijuFrens? Now's your chance to get in on Kaijus early!
5555 Genesis Kaiju Dragons. Staking. Breeding. Waifus!? (not breeding waifus u degen)

I WILL BLESS MULTIPLE CULT MEMBERS. RANDOMLY. (but tell your frens. gogogo ❤️)

Instructions: 👇👇

  1. Join the Serpenta discord (this gives you verified)
  2. Say "Please Ser Miaoux bless me with a whitelist" in #general
  3. Share this giveaway with a friend. Simple. You're 80% there already.
  4. Click the Register button on the right to complete your entry
  5. If you win WHITELIST at the end, come and get the role in the Serpenta discord

Mint date: 16 AUGUST - 11AM EST. (15.00 UTC)

Secret additional task worth 0.0001 worthless points: follow @miaoux on twitter

Winners posted in the Serpenta #mini-announcements channel

  • Pixel Kaiju / Dragons that are CLEAN. Look at his poor derpy face!!!
  • Staking for $VOID that will lead into our ongoing ecosystem
  • Breeding (???) NFTs post-mint

The Great Void awaits. Come brave traveller. Join us.

- Dragon King Miaoux

--- 中文 ---


  1. 加入 Serpenta Discord
  2. 在#general 中說 “嗨,Miaoux ser please bless me with a random whitelist”
  3. 邀请您的朋友参加此赠品
  4. 轉發我們的推文

Mint date: 8月16日

得獎者將在 Serpenta 的 #mini-announcements 頻道公佈

  • 簡潔的像素Pixel Kaiju / Dragons 。 看他那張可憐兮兮的臉!!!
  • $VOID 質押將進入我們持續的生態系統
  • 培育 (???) NFTs post-mint


There are 3 phases - please check carefully to see which one you've won when the raffle closes:

These will be DTC (direct to contract) but come and get your WHITELIST role anyway! You'll get more rewards.

Check your mint status (tell your friends too):

Have questions?

Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. Did we miss something? DM us on Twitter to ask anything else.

Yes. ~50 million list registrations have happened on PREMINT without issue. When you sign in with PREMINT, you only are validating ownership of the wallet address. PREMINT does not get any permissions to perform transactions and does not have any way of withdrawing anything from your wallet.
Premint has been used by some of the top artists and collections in the NFT ecosystem, including XCOPY, Coldie, DeekayMotion, Cool Cats, Known Origin, Async Art, Shaq, and over 25,000 more.
Signing is the only way we can truly know that you are the owner of the wallet you are connecting. Signing is a safe, gas-less transaction that does not in any way give PREMINT permission to perform any transactions with your wallet.
PREMINT saves your wallet and social info as a part of the registration step, so you can disconnect everything afterwards and your entry is still valid.
As far as PREMINT is concerned, yes, but the project owner might check that you still own the token before finalizing the list.
If you fully registered, the only way your wallet wouldn’t be on the list of registered wallets is if the project removed it. PREMINT never deletes wallets from the list for any reason.
If you don’t know what wallet your Discord or Twitter are connected to, just go to and you can force-disconnect them.
While creators are welcome to name their PREMINT projects whatever they like, we choose to use the term "allow list" or "access list" vs "whitelist." "Whitelist" could be considered exclusionary language, and the spirit of web3 is about inclusion.