The Crypto Stars Collection

Mint Date
Nov. 28, 2022
Mint Time
11 p.m. UTC
Mint Price
Total Supply
333 NFTs
Number of Winners
130 Spots
Raffle Time
Nov. 27, 2022, 9:35 p.m.
Verified Twitter
Verified Discord
This project will be overallocating. That means that if you win, you will NOT be guaranteed a spot. Please see the project description for more information.

We are giving away 130 x White list spots for The Crypto Stars Collection.

The Crypto Stars Collection is made up of 333 unique handcrafted NFT's by 3D artist Pierre Benjamin. The Crypto Stars NFT Collection was created in the middle of the pandemic, in early 2021. Pierre Benjamin initially made a small series of 15 Crypto Stars and soon realized that this collection could have long-term success in the NFT space. As a result he created an entire collection.

This unique collection is a tribute to both legendary and iconic prestigious figures that have been admired or abhorred throughout history. Included in the series are iconic characters like Mona Lisa, Napoleon, Cleopatra, Cesar, Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Beethoven, Robin Hood, Tutankhamun, Loki, Pinocchio, Mozart, Frankenstein, The British Royal family, Joan of Arc, Nefertiti, Che Guevara, Nikola Tesla, Michelangelo, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Malcom X, Desmond Tutu, and many more...some of which are more controversial...

There is a total of 13 Categories (and possibly more) of Crypto Stars figures:

Philosophers & Writers
Influential Women
Mythological Characters
Explorers & Inventors
US Presidents
The UK Royals
Religious figures
Fictional Characters (Novels, Fairytales...)

The aim is not to mock these figures, but to present them as satirical or caricatural. It is about highlighting influential individuals who have made an impact in history and their legacy.

As many as 50 NFT's have been sold as private presales up until now.

The Launch Party on Monday 28th of Nov will be streamed live via Twitter Spaces and on the Metaverse with an exhibition of a selection of Crypto Stars NFT's in anticipitation of the blind mint. All details will be revealed soon with links on the Crypto Stars Twitter page

Our RoadMap :

  • 3 Special edition animated GIF Crypto Stars NFT's will be sent out (through airdrop) to all Crypto Stars Holders, as well as a few people who have supported the Project since its inception in 2021.
  • WL Spot for the physical framed pieces of art of the Crypto Stars will be given via another (3 are in development). These will be sold separately and exclusively to Crypto Stars NFT owners who have been WL.
  • Exclusive secret event that will be available for holders to attend to meet Pierre Benjamin. A raffle will take place during the event, exclusively for Crypto Stars holders only, with a free Crypto Stars NFT to be won and air dropped. Physical sculptures of the Crypto Stars will also be on display at the event.
  • A limited edition of signed prints will be given to the holders as a reward.
  • Spring 2023 The final drop will be revealed to the public through Premint.XYZ WL
  • Final private event will take place to celebrate the full release of the collection. All Crypto Stars  NFT and Physical holders will be invited to meet Pierre Benjamin, the Artist behind the Crypto Stars NFT Collection.

Post Launch

  • Release of a limited animated GIF NFT series of the Crypto Stars Collection.
  • The Crypto Stars Cartoon first Series Production will start. A Crowdfunding will be created to fund it. More information is available on

Please email us here if you need any help to claim your Premint Whitelist winning Spot: <>

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The Crypto Stars Collection has picked winners. Login to see if you're on the list!

We are giving away 130 x White list spots for The Crypto Stars Collection.

The Crypto Stars Collection is made up of 333 unique handcrafted NFT's by 3D artist Pierre Benjamin. The Crypto Stars NFT Collection was created in the middle of the pandemic, in early 2021. Pierre Benjamin initially made a small series of 15 Crypto Stars and soon realized that this collection could have long-term success in the NFT space. As a result he created an entire collection.

This unique collection is a tribute to both legendary and iconic prestigious figures that have been admired or abhorred throughout history. Included in the series are iconic characters like Mona Lisa, Napoleon, Cleopatra, Cesar, Shakespeare, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Beethoven, Robin Hood, Tutankhamun, Loki, Pinocchio, Mozart, Frankenstein, The British Royal family, Joan of Arc, Nefertiti, Che Guevara, Nikola Tesla, Michelangelo, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Malcom X, Desmond Tutu, and many more...some of which are more controversial...

There is a total of 13 Categories (and possibly more) of Crypto Stars figures:

Philosophers & Writers
Influential Women
Mythological Characters
Explorers & Inventors
US Presidents
The UK Royals
Religious figures
Fictional Characters (Novels, Fairytales...)

The aim is not to mock these figures, but to present them as satirical or caricatural. It is about highlighting influential individuals who have made an impact in history and their legacy.

As many as 50 NFT's have been sold as private presales up until now.

The Launch Party on Monday 28th of Nov will be streamed live via Twitter Spaces and on the Metaverse with an exhibition of a selection of Crypto Stars NFT's in anticipitation of the blind mint. All details will be revealed soon with links on the Crypto Stars Twitter page

Our RoadMap :

  • 3 Special edition animated GIF Crypto Stars NFT's will be sent out (through airdrop) to all Crypto Stars Holders, as well as a few people who have supported the Project since its inception in 2021.
  • WL Spot for the physical framed pieces of art of the Crypto Stars will be given via another (3 are in development). These will be sold separately and exclusively to Crypto Stars NFT owners who have been WL.
  • Exclusive secret event that will be available for holders to attend to meet Pierre Benjamin. A raffle will take place during the event, exclusively for Crypto Stars holders only, with a free Crypto Stars NFT to be won and air dropped. Physical sculptures of the Crypto Stars will also be on display at the event.
  • A limited edition of signed prints will be given to the holders as a reward.
  • Spring 2023 The final drop will be revealed to the public through Premint.XYZ WL
  • Final private event will take place to celebrate the full release of the collection. All Crypto Stars  NFT and Physical holders will be invited to meet Pierre Benjamin, the Artist behind the Crypto Stars NFT Collection.

Post Launch

  • Release of a limited animated GIF NFT series of the Crypto Stars Collection.
  • The Crypto Stars Cartoon first Series Production will start. A Crowdfunding will be created to fund it. More information is available on

Please email us here if you need any help to claim your Premint Whitelist winning Spot: <>

Have questions?

Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. Did we miss something? DM us on Twitter to ask anything else.

Yes. ~50 million list registrations have happened on PREMINT without issue. When you sign in with PREMINT, you only are validating ownership of the wallet address. PREMINT does not get any permissions to perform transactions and does not have any way of withdrawing anything from your wallet.
Premint has been used by some of the top artists and collections in the NFT ecosystem, including XCOPY, Coldie, DeekayMotion, Cool Cats, Known Origin, Async Art, Shaq, and over 25,000 more.
Signing is the only way we can truly know that you are the owner of the wallet you are connecting. Signing is a safe, gas-less transaction that does not in any way give PREMINT permission to perform any transactions with your wallet.
PREMINT saves your wallet and social info as a part of the registration step, so you can disconnect everything afterwards and your entry is still valid.
As far as PREMINT is concerned, yes, but the project owner might check that you still own the token before finalizing the list.
If you fully registered, the only way your wallet wouldn’t be on the list of registered wallets is if the project removed it. PREMINT never deletes wallets from the list for any reason.
If you don’t know what wallet your Discord or Twitter are connected to, just go to and you can force-disconnect them.
While creators are welcome to name their PREMINT projects whatever they like, we choose to use the term "allow list" or "access list" vs "whitelist." "Whitelist" could be considered exclusionary language, and the spirit of web3 is about inclusion.