The Fringe is an original sci-fi cinematic universe launched by a collection of in-world NFT characters called Drifters, brought to you by the award-winning filmmakers of PROSPECT.
We spent years developing the deep world of Prospect, but we were forced to handover the IP to get the film made. This is standard practice in an outdated industry where power is very centralized to a few corporations at the top. Web3 can return power to artists and the fans. Additionally, supporters can engage with and contribute to this new world before the film is ever released.
Access List (or AL) guarantees you a spot to buy a Drifter character NFT.
Access List mint limit: 1 Drifter NFT
Public (July 19) mint limit: 20 Drifter NFTs
THE FRINGE - Giveaway Day 7 has picked winners. Login to see if you're on the list!
The Fringe is an original sci-fi cinematic universe launched by a collection of in-world NFT characters called Drifters, brought to you by the award-winning filmmakers of PROSPECT.
We spent years developing the deep world of Prospect, but we were forced to handover the IP to get the film made. This is standard practice in an outdated industry where power is very centralized to a few corporations at the top. Web3 can return power to artists and the fans. Additionally, supporters can engage with and contribute to this new world before the film is ever released.
Access List (or AL) guarantees you a spot to buy a Drifter character NFT.
Access List mint limit: 1 Drifter NFT
Public (July 19) mint limit: 20 Drifter NFTs
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