Txlist price: first for free, 0.008 ETH remaining
Public mint price: 0.009 ETH
4,444 Txers running through blockchain, driving transactions and keeping the network moving.
Who are Txers? first of all, they are formed from the word "tx = transaction". Yes, they are the driving force behind blockchain. Txers are like the beating heart of the blockchain, driving the movement of transactions and keeping the network alive. Or, like a team of marathon runners, the Txers tirelessly power through the blockchain, driving the movement of transactions with every step.
Without them, the blockchain would be a pretty dull place. But with them driving the movement of transactions and keeping the network moving, it's a nonstop party.
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Txlist price: first for free, 0.008 ETH remaining
Public mint price: 0.009 ETH
4,444 Txers running through blockchain, driving transactions and keeping the network moving.
Who are Txers? first of all, they are formed from the word "tx = transaction". Yes, they are the driving force behind blockchain. Txers are like the beating heart of the blockchain, driving the movement of transactions and keeping the network alive. Or, like a team of marathon runners, the Txers tirelessly power through the blockchain, driving the movement of transactions with every step.
Without them, the blockchain would be a pretty dull place. But with them driving the movement of transactions and keeping the network moving, it's a nonstop party.
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