Congratulations on your perseverance, patience, and hope upon Underdisguised. To commemorate and celebrate your presence and support, we will mark and reward you with our Tome of Darkness . This Tome is the central part of our journey to all upcoming initiatives onwards together. You can consider this as an initial building block of our ecosystem, starting with a storytelling into a hybrid enterprise that connects Web2 and Web3 brands. We will share more on our Underpaper in the next following days.
Take part in our raffle now with a good odds than public raffle. Grandpa's blessing showered you today!
We hope we can build this and strive together as a pack because we are The Underdisguised!
Underdisguised Public Raffle 2 has picked winners. Login to see if you're on the list!
Congratulations on your perseverance, patience, and hope upon Underdisguised. To commemorate and celebrate your presence and support, we will mark and reward you with our Tome of Darkness . This Tome is the central part of our journey to all upcoming initiatives onwards together. You can consider this as an initial building block of our ecosystem, starting with a storytelling into a hybrid enterprise that connects Web2 and Web3 brands. We will share more on our Underpaper in the next following days.
Take part in our raffle now with a good odds than public raffle. Grandpa's blessing showered you today!
We hope we can build this and strive together as a pack because we are The Underdisguised!
Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. Did we miss something? DM us on Twitter to ask anything else.