Nifty Gateway’s first ever fully verified & curated PFP NFT Drop in partnership with Vogu Miami. One of last summer's hottest drops with almost 9 thousand ETH sold on the secondary market is back this summer to replicate its success, teaming up with some of Miami's hottest young talents and offering some of the most unique utilities in the NFT market, such as mayor for the day for a lucky NFT holder and access to the most exclusive drip & art in Miami.
Jared Rok from the famous and respected Rok real estate dynasty has his Rok MIA threads on some of the NBA’s hottest talents. From NBA game days to NFL pro bowls you are bound to spot someone wearing a Rok drip. Mya Diodati’s hand painted jackets are made to order and have made their way courtside as well. Last but not least, we have one of the most positive human beings, Vic Garcia. A staple in the Miami scene, Vic's positivity shines through in all of his paintings. With celebrities, athletes and socialites all sporting his art on their walls and wearing his clothing line in major events. Schools, businesses and events around Miami have all reached out to Vic for his amazing murals.
Vogu Miami’s NFT holder’s utilities in partnership with JRok, Mya, and Vic include these claimable items:
In addition to the claimable items, Vogu Miami is offering exclusive events, access, and giveaways listed below:
Since we are dropping on Niftygateway we will need the Email associated with your Niftygateway account. ONLY winners with valid Niftygateway emails will be reserved an allow list spot.
VOGU:Miami has picked winners. Login to see if you're on the list!
Nifty Gateway’s first ever fully verified & curated PFP NFT Drop in partnership with Vogu Miami. One of last summer's hottest drops with almost 9 thousand ETH sold on the secondary market is back this summer to replicate its success, teaming up with some of Miami's hottest young talents and offering some of the most unique utilities in the NFT market, such as mayor for the day for a lucky NFT holder and access to the most exclusive drip & art in Miami.
Jared Rok from the famous and respected Rok real estate dynasty has his Rok MIA threads on some of the NBA’s hottest talents. From NBA game days to NFL pro bowls you are bound to spot someone wearing a Rok drip. Mya Diodati’s hand painted jackets are made to order and have made their way courtside as well. Last but not least, we have one of the most positive human beings, Vic Garcia. A staple in the Miami scene, Vic's positivity shines through in all of his paintings. With celebrities, athletes and socialites all sporting his art on their walls and wearing his clothing line in major events. Schools, businesses and events around Miami have all reached out to Vic for his amazing murals.
Vogu Miami’s NFT holder’s utilities in partnership with JRok, Mya, and Vic include these claimable items:
In addition to the claimable items, Vogu Miami is offering exclusive events, access, and giveaways listed below:
Since we are dropping on Niftygateway we will need the Email associated with your Niftygateway account. ONLY winners with valid Niftygateway emails will be reserved an allow list spot.
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