YCLUB is a project that builds Superyachts in the Metaverse to be chartered and experienced by different brands with revenue share going directly to YCLUB NFT holders. With its first collection of 7,000 NFTs to be released on the public market, YCLUB is bringing the highest levels of extravagance to the everyday person so they too can share in the emotional connection and excitement that comes with a Superyacht experience in the Metaverse and IRL.
Gain access to a world of extravagance through the premier YCLUB collection. The first digital collection of the breathtaking Benetti Super Yacht “Lana” will be the dNFT that unlocks the unending benefits for holders, from rewards, metaverse experiences, and a complete Defi suite, to once-in-a-lifetime IRL experiences.
Having access to the YCLUB metaverse experience means enjoying a world rich with opportunity and entertainment hosted on our one-of-a-kind Super Yacht. This virtual social club for the community also acts as a non-expiring revenue stream; supporting an eCommerce marketplace and events platform where users can spend, invest, trade, and be rewarded in Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDC, or our native coin SYC.
The metaverse Super Yacht that holders of the “Lana” dNFT will have access to will have an entertainment suite to match the real Super Yacht’s extravagance. Holders will have access to, and gain revenue from the concerts, fashion shows, hosted meetings, casinos, karaoke, and gallery experiences for artists to showcase their NFTs in ways for guests to purchase live. Your charter into a one-of-a-kind metaverse experience begins here, with YCLUB.
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YCLUB is a project that builds Superyachts in the Metaverse to be chartered and experienced by different brands with revenue share going directly to YCLUB NFT holders. With its first collection of 7,000 NFTs to be released on the public market, YCLUB is bringing the highest levels of extravagance to the everyday person so they too can share in the emotional connection and excitement that comes with a Superyacht experience in the Metaverse and IRL.
Gain access to a world of extravagance through the premier YCLUB collection. The first digital collection of the breathtaking Benetti Super Yacht “Lana” will be the dNFT that unlocks the unending benefits for holders, from rewards, metaverse experiences, and a complete Defi suite, to once-in-a-lifetime IRL experiences.
Having access to the YCLUB metaverse experience means enjoying a world rich with opportunity and entertainment hosted on our one-of-a-kind Super Yacht. This virtual social club for the community also acts as a non-expiring revenue stream; supporting an eCommerce marketplace and events platform where users can spend, invest, trade, and be rewarded in Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDC, or our native coin SYC.
The metaverse Super Yacht that holders of the “Lana” dNFT will have access to will have an entertainment suite to match the real Super Yacht’s extravagance. Holders will have access to, and gain revenue from the concerts, fashion shows, hosted meetings, casinos, karaoke, and gallery experiences for artists to showcase their NFTs in ways for guests to purchase live. Your charter into a one-of-a-kind metaverse experience begins here, with YCLUB.
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