Zenogakki x Everai

Mint Date
July 7, 2022
Number of Winners
14 Spots
Raffle Time
July 4, 2022, 7:19 p.m.
Official Link

Zenogakki is an Anime IP that originates from Web3, with a storyline that has been in development for over 6 years. The long-term vision is to create a structure where the community and creatives benefit from the success of the franchise for as long as it lives.

We are building a Watch-2-Earn streaming platform that would also serve as an IP Incubator.

With close to 2 million dollars spent pre-mint, our Anime has been in pre-production for 7 months and our animation studio, Toneplus, has worked on One Piece Film Gold, Pokemon, Attack on Titan and many more.

Our Manga has entered production for one full volume of manga with 2 chapters already out pre-mint along with the rest underway.

Our Senior Voice Director, Neil Kaplan, is the English voice actor for Madara Uchiha, Optimus Prime along with several others. He is now the voice actor of Karth, who is Zenogakki’s main villain.

Our major partner, DAO Maker is one of the biggest crypto launchpads in the world. They will be helping with our tokenomics for Zenogakki’s native token and product development for our Watch-2-Earn streaming platform that also acts as a creative hub and an IP incubator.

They’ve launched VEVE which is an app-based marketplace for premium licensed digital collectibles, XCAD which is a Watch-2-Earn project that did a 50x on launch, and several other crypto projects that have done incredibly well.

DAO Maker launches: https://cryptorank.io/fundraising-platforms/dao-maker

Artwork: https://twitter.com/zenogakki/status/1534602321300185090?s=20&t=-zPTNQwZvFp2SxgX4_XWoA


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Zenogakki x Everai has picked winners. Login to see if you're on the list!

Zenogakki is an Anime IP that originates from Web3, with a storyline that has been in development for over 6 years. The long-term vision is to create a structure where the community and creatives benefit from the success of the franchise for as long as it lives.

We are building a Watch-2-Earn streaming platform that would also serve as an IP Incubator.

With close to 2 million dollars spent pre-mint, our Anime has been in pre-production for 7 months and our animation studio, Toneplus, has worked on One Piece Film Gold, Pokemon, Attack on Titan and many more.

Our Manga has entered production for one full volume of manga with 2 chapters already out pre-mint along with the rest underway.

Our Senior Voice Director, Neil Kaplan, is the English voice actor for Madara Uchiha, Optimus Prime along with several others. He is now the voice actor of Karth, who is Zenogakki’s main villain.

Our major partner, DAO Maker is one of the biggest crypto launchpads in the world. They will be helping with our tokenomics for Zenogakki’s native token and product development for our Watch-2-Earn streaming platform that also acts as a creative hub and an IP incubator.

They’ve launched VEVE which is an app-based marketplace for premium licensed digital collectibles, XCAD which is a Watch-2-Earn project that did a 50x on launch, and several other crypto projects that have done incredibly well.

DAO Maker launches: https://cryptorank.io/fundraising-platforms/dao-maker

Artwork: https://twitter.com/zenogakki/status/1534602321300185090?s=20&t=-zPTNQwZvFp2SxgX4_XWoA


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Here are some answers to commonly asked questions. Did we miss something? DM us on Twitter to ask anything else.

Yes. ~50 million list registrations have happened on PREMINT without issue. When you sign in with PREMINT, you only are validating ownership of the wallet address. PREMINT does not get any permissions to perform transactions and does not have any way of withdrawing anything from your wallet.
Premint has been used by some of the top artists and collections in the NFT ecosystem, including XCOPY, Coldie, DeekayMotion, Cool Cats, Known Origin, Async Art, Shaq, and over 25,000 more.
Signing is the only way we can truly know that you are the owner of the wallet you are connecting. Signing is a safe, gas-less transaction that does not in any way give PREMINT permission to perform any transactions with your wallet.
PREMINT saves your wallet and social info as a part of the registration step, so you can disconnect everything afterwards and your entry is still valid.
As far as PREMINT is concerned, yes, but the project owner might check that you still own the token before finalizing the list.
If you fully registered, the only way your wallet wouldn’t be on the list of registered wallets is if the project removed it. PREMINT never deletes wallets from the list for any reason.
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